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GOAL - Branko Ivankovich has entered a new and complex phase of his career. He led the Iranian national team to qualification for the World Cup 2006. For that, he deserves our gratitude. That achievement by itself does not and should not stop journalists and fans to discuss the shortcomings of our national team. These shortcomings go beyond the players and include the style of the game, the assistant coaches and other aspects.
I have been a supporter of Branko, as he is called by many in Iran, over the last 22 months. He was the right coach for Iran when he returned and he has been the right coach until today. For Branko to remain as the right coach for our national team, he needs to perform a serious self-evaluation and take concrete steps to correct mistakes made and weaknesses all across the program.

As a fan and a student of the game, I am writing the following letter to Branko.

Dear Branko:

Suggestion #1 Aim High!

It is not good enough to play and get eliminated in the first round of the 2006 World Cup.

Been there twice!
Done that twice!

You need to at least aim for the final 16 and many of us believe that with great coaching, we could advance to the Final Eight. We certainly have the raw talent.

To succeed, first you have to be able to dream. By aiming for the final 16, you could then present a plan that is aggressive enough to support such an aim.

Instill confidence in your staff, team, press and fans. Show us that you are serious and aggressive about taking Iran to the final 16.

Instill confidence in yourself. If you don’t believe Iran should and could advance to the final 16, then you are not the right man for the job.

Suggestion #2 - Have a solid coaching Bench

You are as good as your assistant coaches. It sounds bad but it is true. When you look around your bench today, do you see a well qualified assistant coach? I doubt it.

I am assuming that you didn’t pick these guys and the current assistant coaches of Iranian National team are forced upon you. Now is a perfect time to respectfully replace them. Faraki and Shahrokhi will not be of help to you in Germany and for that matter on the way to Germany. The two other goalkeeper coaches, a running joke in Iranian football, are not world class level either. While we are on the topic, please explain the logic for having two goalkeeper coaches.

There are many qualified Iranian and non-Iranian coaches who would jump on an opportunity to help a national team in Germany. Look at Afshin Ghotbi. He has been to two world cups and could have worked his magic for you and for us but went to Korea last month instead.

Don’t feel threatened, talk to Ahmadzadeh and Kazemi and other aggressive coaches in Iran. These are energetic and young coaches that would benefit as much from you as you them.

Alternatively, if it was you who chose Shahrokhi, Faraki and the other two in the belief that these guys are world class, I suggest a pink slip; not for them but for you.

Suggestion #3 – The Iranian Premier League Does Matter

You have at least 12 great midfielders in the IPL to choose from. Moabali and Kazemian should be your top picks.

Khatibi, Enayati, Borhani, Karimi (Sepahan) and others are there for you to test at the forward position.

The IPL does matter. Don’t ignore it as you would be ignoring your great talent pool.

While I am at it, stay away from players agents either in Iran or Germany. They will blacken your name, something that has already started to happen.

Suggestion #4 - Libya is in Africa, Germany in Europe

Do I need to say more?

How would you justify playing against 4th class teams of the world and third class clubs in England? You have nothing to gain in these matches and everything to lose.

Refer back to Suggestion #1.
Aim High.
Try to schedule playing matches against France, Germany, Italy, Holland, England and Brazil. Don’t even listen to the excuse that their schedules don’t match ours.

Playing Libya is like playing Pakistan. As bad and as hopeless.

Suggestion #5 - Conservatives Will Not Go to Germany, Be Daring!

Football is a passionate game where science and logic need to act as guides to ensure success.

It seems to me that while you are a passionate man, you manage mechanically and conservatively. This style of game planning is a sure way to be defeated before any world cup matches are ever played. Be daring.

Iran has the potential to play games like she did against South Korea a year ago, or the first 30 minutes of the match against Germany.

Suggestion #6 It is no Crime to Discuss Daei

It really isn’t..

You have a great player who will be 37 by the time the World Cup comes around the corner. In today’s international football standards, that is O L D.

Discussing Daei is not a crime.

I happen to believe that Daei should still be a part of our national team but not as a starter. Use him as an effective sub. Build around Hashemian and one other young hungry forward but Daei should remain in your plans as a backup player. The more you insist on using Daei as your 90 minute a game, every game, starter, the more you lose credibility. A coach with no credibility is a coach with no team.

Suggestion # 7 The Press Is Not the Enemy

Your mentor talked too much with the press and made too many claims.
Four years later, you don’t say enough.

As much as you are a part of our favorite game, so is the press. Not every reporter is out to get you. The common thread between you and most of us is that we care about Iran’s national team. We all delighted that Iran qualified for the World Cup.

Develop a relationship with the press and avoid saying the same clichés in every single press conference.

Suggestion # 8 - Appreciate Where You Are

As much as Iranians are pleased with having qualified and going to Germany, you should be pleased with the opportunity of being the head coach of a team at the world cup. We receive many benefits from going to Germany and so do you.

Next year, only 32 among the 200 or so international head coaches who believe they are first class will get a chance to sit on the bench. While being one of the 32 does not make you a top 32 coach, it brings respect and enhances your career. There is nothing wrong with that.

Plan to succeed.
Don’t plan Not to Fail.

We don’t need Branko Ivankovich in order to play it safe. We have enough Iranian coaches who could do that just fine.

You less than a year to build a world class team. That is not what we have today. Many of us still have faith in you yet for our country’s sake, we are watching your moves very closely.

Aim High, Be Daring and fix your bench. These are good steps to get started.


Kaveh Mahjoob
